Welcome to PR
If you're looking for a church in the Charlotte area, we hope that you will join us! We are a family committed to following Jesus together and our focus is on connection, spiritual growth, and missional living. We pray often that God would send us people like you to partner with us on mission. No matter where you are on your journey of faith, there is a seat reserved for you at the table.
Why Table?
Throughout the gospels, much of Jesus’ life and ministry have him either going to, coming from or sitting at a table, eating with others. If you can read through the gospels without getting hungry, you may not be paying attention. Even Jesus himself tells us, “The Son of Man came eating and drinking” (Luke 7:34). His followers took notice. After Jesus’ ministry, his disciples committed to the countercultural practice of gathering around a table as way of grounding themselves in the Jesus way. We see in Acts 2 that they devoted themselves to dwelling in the word together, breaking bread and fellowshipping at a table with their brothers and sisters, and to praying with one another for God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.
We believe that the table is one of the primary ways people can glimpse into that coming kingdom. At the table of Christ people from all walks of life (rich/poor, men/women, Jews/ Gentiles, zealots/tax collectors, married/single, young/old) found common ground in Jesus. It seems so simple, so ordinary, but regularly gathering at a table with others is one of the most formative practices we could ever do. The table is the training ground where we learn to practice things like love, forgiveness, hospitality and reconciliation.
So we made a simple change to our weekly gatherings. Instead of rows of chairs all facing a stage, we now gather around tables, facing and engaging one another. We spend time during each worship service discussing questions, sharing prayer requests and communing together in the Lord’s supper. And we’re loving every minute of it!
Sunday Mornings
Service Times
MAY 5th - One combined worship service at 10AM - followed by a potluck in the gym.
Offerings for Kids
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